It takes heart, strength, and spirit to become the best in any athletic endeavor. Playing a sport affords you the opportunity to be a part of a team, work for something bigger than yourself, and often lead a healthy life. However, with the sheer physical demand that most sports require, sports injuries are common.

Our providers at Pain Rehabilitation Associates share a similar philosophy of care and dedication to helping people return to optimal health and wellness to maximize their performance and playing time. Even the best-conditioned, most experienced athletes can injure themselves. At Pain Rehabilitation Associates, we are experienced in helping competitive athletes, weekend warriors, and active adults get back in the game as quickly and safely as possible.

Sports InjuriesWhen even the best of athletes get hurt, our team works diligently to:

  • Accurately evaluate and diagnose your injury.
  • Formulate a personalized treatment plan that meets your goals and lifestyle.
  • Restore your mobility so you can return to being active and living well. Our providers will provide comprehensive treatment for you.

Common Sports Injuries we treat:

  • Neck and back injuries
  • Shoulder/elbow/wrist/hand injuries
  • Hip/knee/ankle/foot injuries
  • Muscle/ligament tears
  • Sprains & strains
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Calf injuries
  • Headaches
  • Concussions

Our goal is to decrease and manage pain, and restore strength, flexibility, and range of motion to facilitate your return to your sport or activity. Sports injuries may also require the correction of gait, balance, coordination and movement problems. Our providers will perform a thorough evaluation and customize a treatment plan designed to enhance your capabilities and fitness level and fitness goals.

At Pain Rehabilitation Associates, we are dedicated to helping you recover quickly and safely to be the best you can be and achieve your fitness goals! So, if you have a sports injury, don’t put of receiving medical care; we want you to play, too!

Call us today at 888-YBN-PAIN to book your appointment.